Kappa Tau Alpha Chapter Adviser Research Grants Rules and Procedures

The program is designed to provide research assistance and to recognize and reward KTA advisers for their good work and to support their academic endeavors. Up to three grants per year for up to $1,000 each will be awarded upon review and recommendation of the Executive Committee.

All current KTA advisers of active chapters who have served for at least two full years at the time of application are eligible. Awardees are expected to continue as adviser through the grant period.

Advisers must complete an application form (click here for form) and provide a 1-3 page prospectus/overview of the project, including a budget (which should include a listing of amount and sources of other support [if appropriate] with timelines and expected outlets for the research.

Where appropriate, Institutional Review Board Approval Forms from the adviser’s university should be included.

A vita of no more than 3 pages must accompany the proposal.

The application must include an endorsement letter from the adviser’s program head.

Grant applications must be submitted to the Executive Director in digital form or PDF by the deadline of Oct. 1. After that deadline, applications will be received through May 1 if the annual budget for the grants has not already been awarded.

Applicants normally will receive notification form the Executive Committee of the results of the review within six weeks of receipt at national headquarters.

For all grants awarded, credit must be made to Kappa Tau Alpha in writing and/or expression for any publications or presentations that result.

No later than 60 days following project completion awardees must provide a report of the completed research effort that KTA may use for promotional purposes.

Advisers may receive a KTA research grant only once every three years.

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